LPG – the most modern tool on the beauty market today, which allows the sculpting of connective tissue, thus fat reduction, consumption, tightening, cellulite treatment.
The professionalism and more than 23 years of experience of LPG BODYFORMING are used in the market in more than 100 countries. Many Hollywood stars complement their healthy lifestyle with LPG™, Lipomassage™ treatments.
What makes the LPG Cellu treatment different from other vacuum connective tissue massage machines?
Vacuum connective tissue massage is performed all over the body.
We offer exclusive personalised treatments to our guests. We assess and document the treatments.
The treatments are performed in a separate LPG suit for hygiene and exclusivity.
LPG is not only a beauty machine, but also a medical rehabilitation machine.
The treatments can be complemented with products of the LPG cosmetic family for a better result.
The secret of LPG is in its rollers compared to other vacuum connective tissue massage machines.
– Independent rollers rotating separately from each other.
– adjustable vacuum intensity, frequency, latches.

What makes the LPG Cellu M treatment better than older LPG machines?
The new machine has a wider range of programs designed by the digital LPG.
The size of the treatment heads used for body treatment has been increased. This makes the Lipomassage™ programme twice as effective. With the Keymodule KM 80 treatment head, the treatment surface is 50% larger and fat removal 70% more efficient. The deeper tissue drainage means that after 12 sessions, we can show the results that older LPG machines achieved after 24 sessions.
Combining body treatments with cosmetics optimises the effectiveness of the treatments.
You will notice spectacular results after the 3rd session with the NEW GENERATION LPG INTEGRAL 2 machine. At the end of the treatment or, if necessary, halfway through 10 suitable treatments, we will take result evaluation photos.
LPG treatment duration: 35-50 minutes.
Recommended treatment series: minimum 10-12 sessions, 2-3 sessions per week. After the treatment series, 1-2 maintenance treatments per month are recommended.
LPG technology uses LPG devices to mobilise tissue.
LPG stands for Louis Paul Guitay, the inventor of the therapeutic massage device.
Louis Paul Guitay was given a treatment called “Skin Fold Rolling” to mobilise the tissues of scars left behind after a car accident. After several treatments, Louis Paul Guitay experienced a change in the Skin Fold technique, as each doctor treated him with different manoeuvres for different lengths of time. The idea was then born to make the technique consistent and repeatable by using a vacuum to lift the skin during treatment and massage it with two motorised rollers.
LPG – a revolutionary device that has made it possible to shape connective tissue, break fat, consume, tighten, treat cellulite. It is the most effective and gentle method of various medical and sports treatments, as well as relaxation treatments, guaranteed painless. LPG – has made the world aware that the secret lies in the connective tissue, from cells to collagen fibres, muscle and connective tissues that connect the different elements of our body.
Lipomassage™ and EndermoLift™ were born from the experience of mechanical body treatments.
LPG has given the method a new name, “ENDERMOLOGIE™”. The trademark was registered in April 1998. Its meaning is a collective term for technologies for the appropriate mechanical stimulation of muscle and connective tissues, including non-invasive, 100% natural techniques. The method is used in both the beauty industry and medicine.
Endermologie™ is neither cosmetic nor electronic. The three-dimensional treatment mobilises, tones, cleanses, nourishes, reshapes, relaxes and restores the body. Thanks to patented, unique treatment heads, the technology is a world leader in non-invasive body treatments.
A full assessment is performed at the first appointment. We agree on the results you want to achieve.
By completing the LPG treatment form, we assess the client’s lifestyle, habits and pre-treatment condition and measurements. Photographs are taken to help us identify problem areas and compare the results achieved later.
The photos and data will of course be kept confidential.
LPG Treatment areas
- Shaping, consumption, cellulite treatment
- Targeted fat reduction
- Body contouring
- Skin aesthetic treatment, firming
- Skin problems associated with ageing
- Facial rejuvenation
- Treatment of muscle injuries, joint problems
- Muscle relaxation, tension release
- Treatment and prevention of sports injuries
- Treatment of scars, burned skin
- Well-being, vitalisation, wellness
- Improving circulation, improving lymphatic circulation (oedema, varicose veins)
- Effective treatment against liposuction and the unwanted side effects of plastic surgery
- SKIN tightening and restoring skin elasticity
Facial wrinkle reduction, facial rejuvenation
During the ageing process, the skin loses collagen and elastin fibres, and becomes thinner. Gravity causes it to sag and wrinkle.
With the Endermolift™ method, we stimulate collagen and elastin production through fibroblasts to re-densify the skin.
The effects of Ergolift stimulation: oxygenates the skin, energises, plumps, fills and therefore smoothes wrinkles and ensures lymphatic drainage.
Our Lipomassage™ treatments scientifically proven technology allows you to eliminate excess fat build-up, while improving skin quality: anti-ageing and contouring at the same time!
Cellulite (cellulite) – stria
Cellulite is the aesthetic epidemic of our time. It may be caused by lack of exercise, obesity or hormonal problems (contraceptive pills, hormone-treated foods).
Since the lymphatic system does not have the same motor as the heart for circulation, the only way to restore lymphatic circulation is lymphatic massage. The massage massages waste products and water out of the cells, which are then discharged from the body through the lymphatic system. During the treatment, cellulite is reduced or eliminated, but there is also a loss of cross-sectional area, a firmer skin surface and wrinkles are smoothed out.
Stretch marks can also be faded with this method.